Zetes offers an mDL and mID solution fully compliant with the recently published ISO/IEC 18013-5 standard

2 years ago

Brussels, November 8th 2021 - Following the publication of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) of the ISO/IEC 18013-5 standard for mobile driver’s license (mDL) and mobile IDs (mID), Zetes announces the availability in its portfolio of a fully compliant solution.

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Passport to freedom? Not just yet

2 years ago

Article originally published by Geert Peeters,

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The rise of mobile identity

3 years ago

Virtual and mobile identification technologies are poised to replace physical methods. Public authorities who have a clear digitalisation strategy will certainly reap the benefits.

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Zetes implements a border control solution in Cabo Verde, including 11 Panasonic e-gates

3 years ago

Brussels, Praia, December 21st 2020 – Last Saturday, the Cabo Verdean authorities officially launched their newly installed border control solution, during an event gathering the Cabo Verdean authorities, headed by the Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva, the Ministe

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The quest for better border control

3 years ago

This article was originally published by David Charlier for the 2019 ID4Africa almanac.  

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A new passport for Belgium in 2021: Zetes remains in charge

3 years ago

Brussels, 29th September 2020 - Seven years on from winning the contract to personalise Belgian passports, Zetes has been asked to continue in its role as a key partner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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