An Automated Biometric Identification System – ABIS - is the essential tool to ensure a unique identity of persons and prevent identity fraud whether this involves citizens, voters, civil servants, military personnel or any other group. An efficiently running ABIS is the corner stone of a well-executed authentication project. Zetes has, to this day, successfully implemented around 20 ABIS projects.
The main characteristics of the Zetes ABIS solution are:
Multimodal Biometrics
Field Proven in large scale projects
Fully flexible, adjustable according to project needs
Automatic and workflow driven
Supports all the relevant standard formats for images and templates
Fully configurable accuracy and speed settings
Scalable system configuration to meet the required speed and quality performances
1:N matching without pre-filtering
Includes tool sets and SDK's for analysis, format conversion, feature extraction, interfacing, etc.
Compliance with international standards: The Zetes ABIS system complies with the standards NIST ITL- 1 2007 (Interface), ISO 1974-4 (Templates), ANSI/INCITS 378 and has undergone NIST assessments: MINEX, IREX, PFT, FpVTE, etc.